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Cap'n Games, Inc.

Skylander Bat Spin

Skylander Bat Spin

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Bat Spin hailed from the underworld...

as a child, she was separated from her people. After spending months searching for them, she eventually was welcomed by a colony of magical bats who raised her as one of their own. After many peaceful years living with the bats, the colony was invaded by an army of undead trolls, who were set on stealing their magic to build an ultimate sonar weapon. Bat Spin quickly took action and used powerful abilities that she had learned growing up with the bats and essentially becoming one of them. She heroically defeated the trolls and saved the colony. This caught the attention of Master Eon, who saw at once she would make a worthy Skylander!

  • Element: Undead
  • Power: 200/250
  • Armor: 60/250
  • Agility: 80/250
  • Luck: 40/250

Model 87233888
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